Education Geographics – The Power of the Map App

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What’s New in Your Dashboards?

Welcome Back to the 2025 Academic Year! At Education Geographics, we’re excited to help you make 2025 a year of...
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What’s New in Your Dashboards?

Our Services

Education Geographics – Specialists in School & Student Demographics

Your anonymised school enrolment data is exhaustively analysed by our EGS teams of professional statisticians, demographic profilers, and spatial analysts to help you to answer critical strategic questions. Who are our parents? What can their own background and profile tell us about what they want from our school? How do we talk to them on social media? Can they afford our fees? Where can we find more of them? How can we transport them to our school?

EGS Recent News

What’s New in Your EGS Dashboards? Education Geographics has just rolled out exciting updates to your dashboards, empowering your leadership teams with better insights and benchmarks.

What’s New in Your Dashboards?

Welcome Back to the 2025 Academic Year! At Education Geographics, we’re excited to help you make 2025 a year of data-driven decisions and impactful governance. Our award-winning development team, led by Reg Kernke, has just rolled out exciting updates to your dashboards, empowering your leadership teams with better insights and benchmarks. What’s New in Your

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EGSFebruary 11 ,2025
John Black was interviewed by 2GB’s John Stanley this morning about his current predictions for the next federal election due before May 17.

2GB’s John Stanley & John Black 30th Dec, 2024

I was interviewed by 2GB’s John Stanley this morning about my current predictions for the next federal election due before May 17, which currently puts Peter Dutton ahead in the race to win a majority of seats in the House of Representatives and hence form a Coalition Government with Peter Dutton as Prime Minister. Here’s

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EGSDecember 30 ,2024
Profile of Modelled Primary & 2PP votes by Incomes for Families- with kids.

Forthcoming Federal Elections Current State of Play

I had a story in the New Year’s edition of the AFR on the current state of play across individual seats at the forthcoming Federal Election. Here’s the link to the story, behind the AFR paywall: 🔗 It looks like Albo might need that beach house in 2025 There’s a lot that can happen

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EGSDecember 28 ,2024

Our People

What Our Clients Say....

ADS demographic profiling has helped us focus marketing initiatives in areas where we could make the biggest enrolment gains. ADS also coordinated a follow up phone survey which was valuable in a number of ways. It led to several parents contacting the College for more information, assisted the College to better understand the thinking behind the decision making of parents in the local area and provided a new perspective on current and future bus routes. I would recommend the process to any school looking for new insights into how to gain enrolments.

Steve Croft

( Retired Head of College - Springfield Anglican College )

Billanook College has worked with John Black and the Education Geographics team for many years now and this partnership has been critical to underpinning the Strategic Planning that we have conducted as a school. Their focus on providing quantitative information, supported by broad industry knowledge, has formed an essential part of our decision making and I would highly recommend their work to my colleagues.

Roger Oates

( Principal - Billanook College )

Our College has used the services of John Black (ADS) for many years now, and reliable statistics with great interpretation has given our Board and Executive greater confidence about the marketplace than we could possibly have otherwise. Every school should be watching its market and demographics closely, and in this field, the work of John Black (ADS) is outstanding.


Pastor Ron Woolley

( Retired Headmaster - Citipointe Christian College )

As a result of the work we have done with ADS and Business Geographics, our approach to future enrolment recruitment has become far more strategic, focussed and efficient. In particular, the geo-coding of enrolments has enabled us to recalibrate our bus runs… so as to maximise service to families with enrolled students in 2015. Really useful data.


Geoff McLay

( Principal - West Moreton Anglican College )

These new on line reports and the format they are presented on are fantastic. There is a lot of rich data there that would have gathered dust in the hard copy of the report, but the interactivity of the site is much more conducive to digesting the material. One key to making this useful is your interpretation and descriptions for the items like Stereotypes, Demographics, etc. Thanks for taking us on as a demonstration school. I hope you benefit from it as much as we are.


Stephen Cooke

( Former Business Manager - St Andrews Lutheran College )

John Black, through ADS and Education Geographics has assisted our strategic marketing, enrolment targeting, bus routes and aided in a deeper understanding of our current parent demographics and the overall demographics of our drawing area. This has been done via data sets, presented as interactive maps and easy to understand visual information. The interactive maps and visual information comes with easy to understand instructions and most importantly, accurate analysis.

The Knox School

Allan Shaw

( Retired Principal and Chief Executive - The Knox School )

Clients - Past and Current

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